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栏目: 生日艰辛句子

2023-07-19 09:27



2、I had a major health scare on my birthday that put things into perspective.


4、I hate how birthdays make me feel like I have to be happy and pretend everything is okay. 我讨厌生日让我觉得自己必须要快乐,并装作一切都很好。

5、My birthday was spent in the hospital with a loved one who was ill.

6、Birthdays used to be a time of happiness and laughter, but now they just remind me of my failures. 生日以前总是充满快乐和笑声,但现在却让我想起我的失败。


8、On my birthday, I feel like I'm just going through the motions. 在我的生日上,我感到自己只是在走过场。

9、I hate how birthdays make me feel like I have to prove something to the world. 我讨厌生日让我觉得自己要向世界证明什么。


11、I spent my birthday alone in a hospital bed.


13、I dread my birthday because it always reminds me of all the things I still haven't accomplished in life. 我害怕过生日,因为它总是提醒我还有许多事情没有完成。


15、As I blow out the candles on my cake, I can't help but feel a sense of sadness and regret. 当我吹灭生日蜡烛的时候,我禁不住感到一阵悲伤和遗憾。


17、As I get older, I realize that birthdays are just a reminder of how little we truly have control over in life. 随着年龄的增长,我越来越明白生日只是提醒我们生命中真正掌控的东西很少。




21、I was so sick on my birthday that I couldn't even enjoy my favorite foods.

22、I hate my birthday because it always makes me feel like I haven't accomplished anything. 我讨厌自己的生日,因为它总是让我觉得我什么也没做到。

23、I felt unappreciated and forgotten on my birthday.

24、I had to work on my birthday, and no one at the office even knew it was my special day.

25、On my birthday, I can't help but think about all the things I haven't done yet, and it's overwhelming. 在我的生日上,我不禁想所有我还没做过的事情,这让我感到无力。

26、I felt guilty celebrating my birthday knowing that others were suffering.

27、I hate that birthdays have become so commercialized and materialistic. 我讨厌生日商业化和物质化。



30、As I get older, my birthday became a reminder of all the things I haven't accomplished yet. 随着年龄的增长,我的生日变成了提醒我还有很多事情没做完的东西。

31、I hate how birthdays force me to confront my own mortality and the fleeting nature of life. 我讨厌生日让我直面自己的有限生命和生命的短暂性。

32、My birthday fell on a rainy, dreary day that matched my mood.


34、My birthday coincided with a tragedy in the news that put a damper on the day.

35、I spent my birthday taking care of someone else and didn't get to celebrate at all.

36、The older I get, the more I realize how little time I have left. 随着年龄的增长,我越来越明白自己剩余的时间越来越少。

37、As I get older, my birthday becomes less of a celebration and more of a reminder of my mortality. 随着年龄的增长,我的生日变得越来越不是庆祝,而是提醒我的有限生命。


39、My birthday was overshadowed by someone else's bigger celebration on the same day.



42、Each birthday makes me realize how much time has passed and how much I have yet to accomplish. 每过一个生日,我都明白时间是如此之快,我还有那么多事情要完成。

43、My birthday was a mix of joy and sadness.

44、My birthday was a painful reminder of a traumatic event from my past.

45、On my birthday, I can't help but think about all the things I haven't achieved yet, and it's overwhelming. 在我的生日上,我不禁想到所有我还没完成的事情,这让我感到不安。


47、My birthday was overshadowed by my friend's much bigger celebration the night before.

48、The thought of getting older and closer to death terrifies me. 想到年龄的增长,接近死亡的时刻让我感到害怕。

49、I hate how birthdays remind me of all my mistakes and regrets. 我讨厌生日让我想起所有的过错和遗憾。

50、Birthdays used to be so much fun, but now they just make me feel old and tired. 生日以前总是很有趣,但现在只会让我感觉老和疲惫。

51、Birthdays used to be a day to look forward to, but now they feel like just another day to get through. 生日以前是一天值得期待的,但现在只是另一天需要度过。

52、The pressure to have a perfect birthday can be overwhelming. 想要度过一个完美的生日会让人很有压力。


54、I had to spend my birthday studying for an important exam.

55、My birthday was spent in a foreign country where I felt isolated and alone.



58、I had to work long hours on my birthday and missed out on all the fun.

59、I had a falling out with a close friend on my birthday.

60、Birthdays used to be a time of joy and celebration, but now they are a source of anxiety and stress. 生日以前总是充满喜悦和庆祝,但现在却充满了焦虑和压力。

61、My birthday was a reminder of all the people who have passed away in my life.

62、The thought of getting older and running out of time is overwhelming. 想到自己老了,时间在流逝,这种感觉很让人不安。


64、My birthday this year was overshadowed by a recent loss.

65、I had to spend my birthday dealing with a personal crisis.

66、I missed my family on my birthday, but they were too far away to visit.

67、As I blow out the candles on my cake, I can't help but feel like I'm running out of time. 当我吹灭生日蜡烛的时候,我禁不住感到时间正在流逝。


69、It's hard to celebrate my birthday when I'm so far away from my loved ones. 我离我所爱的人那么远,庆祝生日变得很难。

70、Sometimes I feel like I'm just going through the motions of life, and birthdays make that feeling even stronger. 有时我感觉自己只是在生活走过场,生日让这种感觉更强烈。

71、My birthday was overlooked in a family feud.

72、It's hard to feel happy on my birthday when I know that so many others are suffering. 当我知道还有那么多人在受苦的时候,在生日这天感到开心变得很难。

73、My birthday was a reminder of how much I miss someone who is no longer in my life.


75、My birthday reminded me of all the regrets I have in life.

76、I got into a car accident on the way to my birthday celebration.


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