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1、Legend has it that the Dragon Boat Festival originated from the sacrifice of a famous Chinese poet, Qu Yuan, who drowned himself in the Miluo River to protest against corrupt rulers.

2、The festival is also a time to appreciate the beauty and richness of Chinese culture.

3、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time when people also take pride in their cultural heritage and celebrate the diversity of human experience. - 端午节也是人们为他们的文化遗产感到骄傲,庆祝人类经验的多样性的时候。

4、In some areas, people also have the tradition of wearing talismanic charms and reciting incantations during the festival.

5、It is traditional to eat zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival because it is said that Qu Yuan drowned himself in the river and locals threw zongzi into the water to prevent fish from eating his body. 在端午节吃粽子是传统的因为据说屈原在河里淹死了,当地人把粽子扔进水里来防止鱼儿吃掉他的身体。

6、The legend goes that the people of Chu raced to the river in boats to save Qu Yuan, but it was too late.

7、During the Dragon Boat Festival, people also hang sachets made of medicinal herbs around their necks to ward off sickness and evil spirits.


9、The custom of racing dragon boats dates back to ancient times, when people would race boats to appease the water god and avoid floods.

10、People traditionally hang mugwort leaves and calamus on their doors during the Dragon Boat Festival. 端午节人们传统上会在他们的门口挂艾草和菖蒲。

11、The festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth month in the Chinese lunar calendar.

12、In some areas, the festival is also associated with the harvest season and the planting of crops.

13、During the Dragon Boat Festival, some people also perform lion dances and other cultural dances as a way to celebrate. - 端午节期间,有些人还通过舞狮和其他文化舞蹈来庆祝。

14、People make offerings to Qu Yuan during the Dragon Boat Festival.

15、In some places, people practice the custom of walking on stilts during the Dragon Boat Festival.

16、The Dragon Boat Festival was added to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list in 2009. 端午节在2009年被列入联合国教科文组织的非物质文化遗产名录。

17、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to embrace diversity and cultural exchange, as people from different countries and backgrounds come together to celebrate a shared tradition.

18、The Dragon Boat Festival is a festive occasion that brings together people of all ages, backgrounds, and nationalities.

19、The first team to cross the finish line wins.

20、Qu Yuan is often considered the father of ancient Chinese poetry and is celebrated as a national hero in China.

21、The Dragon Boat Festival is also known as the Duanwu Festival in China.

22、Drinking realgar wine is a traditional custom during the Dragon Boat Festival.

23、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for people to celebrate the diversity of Chinese culture.

24、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for families to gather and bond, often by making and eating zongzi together. - 端午节是家庭聚会和团结的时候,常常通过一起制作和食用粽子来实现。


26、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time when people also perform and listen to traditional music and songs. - 端午节也是人们表演和欣赏传统音乐和歌曲的时候。

27、The Dragon Boat Festival has become a global symbol of multiculturalism and international friendship, bringing people of different backgrounds and nationalities together to celebrate a common heritage.


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