励志的句子 · 句子大全


1. Fortune favors the bold.

2. Sometimes good luck comes in disguise.

3. The harder you work, the luckier you get.

4. Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.

5. The luckiest people are those who make their own luck.

6. It's better to be lucky than good.

7. Fate smiles upon those who take risks.

8. A stroke of luck can change everything.

9. Lucky people create opportunities.

10. When one door shuts, another one opens.

11. Good things come to those who wait.

12. Luck is a residue of design.

13. Some people seem to have all the luck.

14. Luck is the residue of desire.

15. Luck is like a bus – if you miss one, another will come along.

16. Good luck follows those who work hard.

17. Fortune favors the prepared mind.

18. Sometimes it's better to be lucky than talented.

19. Luck is a combination of opportunity and preparation.

20. Luck is what happens when you're in the right place at the right time.

21. The universe conspires to help lucky souls.

22. Luck is a very thin wire between success and failure.

23. Sometimes all you need is a little bit of luck.

24. Fortune is fickle, but determination is steadfast.

25. Lucky breaks come to those who work for them.

26. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

27. Luck is a gift, but it's up to us to use it wisely.

28. Luck is the residue of hard work.

29. Good luck is often the result of good planning.

30. Fortune smiles upon those who are willing to take risks.

31. Luck is the key to a happy life.

32. Sometimes the luckiest people are the ones who take the biggest risks.

33. Good luck is the reward for hard work and dedication.

34. Some people are just born under a lucky star.

35. Being in the right place at the right time can make all the difference.

36. Luck is what happens when you don't give up.

37. To be lucky, you have to believe in luck.

38. Finding success is all about being resilient and persistent.

39. The only way to guarantee good luck is to work hard.

40. Sometimes luck is the result of being in the right mindset.

41. The only thing better than good luck is a positive attitude.

42. Luck is a combination of attitude and opportunity.

43. When you're down on your luck, keep your head up.

44. Luck is the product of preparation and opportunity.

45. Success is what happens when opportunity meets preparation.

46. Sometimes good luck is all in the timing.

47. Luck flows like water – it finds its way to those who persevere.

48. To be lucky, you have to have a positive outlook on life.

49. There's no such thing as bad luck, only missed opportunities.

50. Luck is the result of taking action, not waiting around.

51. With luck on your side, anything is possible.

52. Some people attract good luck like a magnet.

53. Luck is the residue of the wise decisions we make in life.

54. When you're lucky, everything falls into place.

55. The best way to predict the future is to create it.

56. Sometimes the luckiest people are the ones who work the hardest.

57. Luck is a state of mind.

58. Being grateful for what you have attracts good luck.

59. Lucky people are those who are ready to seize the moment.

60. Good luck is often the result of good fortune and hard work combined.

61. Luck is the wind beneath the wings of those who dare to pursue their dreams.

62. Sometimes the only difference between success and failure is luck.

63. With a little bit of luck, even the impossible becomes possible.

64. Only those who take risks can be lucky.

65. Luck is the mysterious force that makes impossible things happen.

66. Good fortune comes to those who have faith.

67. Being optimistic attracts good fortune like bees to honey.

68. Luck is the result of putting in the hard yards.

69. To be lucky, you have to have a clear vision of what you want.

70. Luck is the combination of hard work and opportunity.【Zf133.COM 趣祝福】

71. Good luck is the result of taking bold action and trusting your instincts.

72. Luck is the ribbons of silver running through the fabric of life.

73. Only those who believe in themselves can be truly lucky.

74. With a little bit of luck, you can rise above the rest.

75. The best way to create good luck is to be a good person.


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