励志的句子 · 句子大全


1. I must say I'm thoroughly disappointed.

2. This is not at all what I had hoped for.

3. I had higher expectations of you.

4. My hopes have been dashed.

5. I am disheartened by this outcome.

6. I had placed my trust in you and you let me down.

7. This is hardly what I had in mind.

8. I had imagined something much better than this.

9. I was expecting more from you.

10. This falls short of my expectations.

11. I had envisioned a much different outcome.

12. This is a letdown.

13. To say I'm disappointed would be an understatement.

14. I'm saddened by what I'm seeing here.

15. This is not what I signed up for.

16. I expected more effort and attention to detail.

17. I had hoped for better results.

18. I am genuinely disappointed.

19. This is far from what I was hoping for.

20. I had set higher standards than this.

21. This is a letdown of epic proportions.

22. This is not what we agreed upon.

23. I feel let down and betrayed.

24. I was counting on you to deliver.

25. This is not up to par.

26. You have disappointed me greatly.

27. This was not the result I was anticipating.

28. I am thoroughly unimpressed.

29. This is not what I was expecting at all.

30. I feel completely let down.

31. My expectations have not been met.

32. This is a true disappointment.

33. You have failed to meet my expectations.

34. This is not what we negotiated.

35. I am gravely disappointed.

36. This outcome is a letdown for all of us.

37. I am thoroughly dissatisfied with the results.

38. This is not how things were supposed to go.

39. I expected better from you.

40. This is a defeat in every sense of the word.

41. I am thoroughly disillusioned.

42. I had hoped for a much better outcome.

43. This is a serious letdown.

44. You have fallen short of my expectations.

45. I feel deeply disappointed by this.

46. This is hardly satisfactory.

47. I had faith in you, and you let me down.

48. This outcome is unacceptable.

49. I am utterly disappointed by this.

50. This is hardly the result we were hoping for.

51. This is not what we planned for.

52. I am let down by your lack of effort.

53. This is a disappointment on every level.

54. I had higher hopes than this.

55. This is not what I was promised.

56. I expected much more from you.

57. You have failed to meet your obligations.

58. This is a complete and utter letdown.

59. I am deeply saddened by this outcome.

60. I had faith in your abilities, but you fell short.

61. I am completely dismayed.

62. This is not what I had signed up for.

63. I am thoroughly disappointed in your performance.

64. This is a major letdown.

65. I was expecting a much better result.

66. You have failed to deliver what was promised.

67. I am completely unimpressed with your work.

68. This is a major disappointment.

69. I feel completely let down by your lack of effort.

70. This is a true disappointment on all fronts.

71. I expected better from you, and you did not deliver.

72. This is far from what we had discussed.

73. I am thoroughly unsatisfied with this outcome.

74. This is not what we had agreed upon.

75. I am disappointed beyond words.

76. This is not up to the standards we had set.

77. I am completely disillusioned by this outcome.

78. This is a true letdown for all involved.

79. I had great expectations, and they were not met.

80. This is a major setback.

81. I am deeply disappointed in the results.

82. This is not what I had envisioned.

83. This outcome falls short of our expectations.

84. I feel let down on every level.

85. This is a true disappointment that cannot be ignored.

86. I had high hopes, but they were not fulfilled.

87. This is not what I had anticipated.

88. I feel cheated and let down.

89. This is a major letdown that cannot be overlooked.

90. I am thoroughly disappointed in your efforts.

91. This outcome is simply unacceptable.

92. This is not what I had bargained for.

93. I am disappointed on every level.

94. This is a true letdown that cannot be sugar-coated.


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