励志的句子 · 伤感句子 · 英文句子伤感

i wish you a happy national day and rich flowers! 祝你国庆愉快,花开富贵!我想,一年中您最翘首以盼的节日就是国庆节了,我们的生活仍然需要正常地继续着。有哪些国庆英文祝福语呢?为满足您的需求,励志的句子小编特地编辑了对祖国美好祝愿的英文句子,希望能为您提供参考。


1.time goes by, friends live together, and life goes hand in hand with you. happy birthday to you on national day! 岁月相伴,友情相守,人生四季与你携手。国庆节,祝你快乐到永久!

2.smile, ten years old, i hope you have no trouble in life; happy, peaceful heart, i hope you are free and easy in everything; national day, rest, i hope you have everything. happy national day! 笑一笑,十年少,愿你人生无烦恼;乐一乐,心平和,愿你事事都洒脱;国庆节,歇一歇,愿你什么不缺。国庆快乐!

3.states have a home, you can have a home, you have me, i wish my dear parents happy national day! health! 有国才有家,有家才有你,有你才有我,祝我亲爱的爸妈国庆快乐!身体健康!

4.i sincerely wish you a happy national day and a happy family! 衷心祝您国庆快乐,合家幸福!

5.i love our motherland, i love our common home. bless our dear and great mother, step by step toward prosperity, towards glory. 我爱我们的祖国,我爱我们共同的家园。祝福我们亲爱而伟大的母亲,一步一步走向繁荣,迈向辉煌。

6.celebrate your country:


人生自古谁无屎,每天一坨保健康。everyone must feces, daily cook healthy.你还知道哪些幽默英文句子吗?下面是小编为大家准备的一些幽默英文句子,欢迎大家参阅,希望大家喜欢。


1:you are brave, anti crisis, attack difficulty, carry all before one, your loyalty, according to medical ethics, keep the purpose, have succeeded in carrying out an assignment.你们勇敢,抗危机、攻难关、势如破竹,你们忠诚,遵医德、守宗旨、不辱使命。

2:an is not sexy, she needs emotion; if she is not emotional, she needs reason; if she is not reasonable, she has to knoeone is to be sitting right beside them knoe otheran. and behind every unsuccessful man, there are tan. and behind every unsuccessful man, there are te otherter .

the more you forget, the less you know. so why bother to learn.



1、世上总有些人是谈不来的,何必计较太多。 there are al a once. 26、你从不揣摩我的心思,却还责怪我善变难懂。 you never try to figure out my mind, but you blame me for being so changeable. 27、肆无忌惮的无视着。即使心疼也无谓。 recklessly ignored. even if it hurts, it's meaningless. 28、有时候,我们错过的不是时间,是感觉。 sometimes, e people may forget, but the input method still remembers. 33、我会装作不在乎,你却不会装糊涂。 i ent etimes it takes a little bit of idiot to make yourself uncomfortable. 61、我喜欢现在的自己,我怀念过去的我们。 i like myself nopanying me through that period. it is not long but hard to remember. 64、曾经,我们一起大笑,现在连哭的资格都没了。 once e to spring. 76、不怨你无情的走开,只怨我跨不进你的心坎。 i don't blame you for going away heartless, but i can't cross your heart. 77、不出现,不打扰,是我最后爱你的方式。 do not appear, do not disturb, is the last way i love you. 78、你把我的话当空气,我却把你的话当氧气。 you take my words as air, but i regard your words as oxygen. 79、谁的寂寞覆我华裳。谁的华裳覆我肩膀。 whose loneliness covers my chinese dress. whose clothes cover my shoulders. 80、多少次我告诉自己,此情可待成追忆。 how many times have i told myself that this situation can


with all good wishes for a brilliant and happy christmas season. hope things are going all right with you.在这辉煌快乐的圣诞佳节,献上一切美好的祝福!祝一切顺心如意!

1、christmas comes but once a year. but when it comes it brings good cheer.

圣诞节 一年只有一次,但每次来临都带来喜悦。

2、a cheery christmas and the new year hold lots of happiness for you!


3、may you have the best christmas ever.


4、much joy to you in the up coming year. may the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at christmas and stay with you all the year through.


5、a christmas greeting to cheer you from your daughters.


6、merry christmas!


7、merry christmas and a happy new year.


8、best wishes on this holiday season.


9、wishing you and yours a merry christmas this holiday season.


10、we wish you a merry christmas.


11、wishing you a beautiful holiday season.


12、happy holidays!


13、seasons greetings.


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